’ingie – noughtp0.1ntone

'ingie – noughtp0.1ntone cover artwork

Click the above image for a larger 500px version (iTunes-friendly album artwork).

’ingie’s superb debut album ‘noughtp0.1ntone’ is out now. The recording contains the following tracks:

  1. from rest
  2. eye see
  3. your desire
  4. flow-er
  5. nought but one
  6. two by two
  7. co-motion
  8. view point three
  9. greater vessel
  10. the wheel turns
  11. if it wasn’t you would be (6.9MB)

The CD is £10 GBP from 7th Wave, Port Erin. You can also order it from our online shop or from buy it on iTunes if you prefer downloads.

‘ingie can be found here


but more interactively via his music google plus page: http://ingie.com/+
his personal google plus page: http://ingie.com/ing

and his twitter: http://twitter.com/yngling

and his bandcamp: http://bandcamp.ingie.com/